A Kickstart into the new school year!
Building Champions
Enjoying a Fun and Safe Summer
Why TaeFit classes and Tae Kwon-Do compliment each other perfectly!
Is failure just an opportunity?
Conquer Mental Health
What can Tae Kwon-Do do to boost your mood, strength and confidence?
New Year’s resolution Blog
Were are back to normal lets build our club.....again
Integrity is the essence of everything successful
Do you have an Indomitable Spirit?
Politeness costs nothing and gains everything - Be Courteous
If you can master self control, you can master anything
Perseverance - a key tenet
Look to the future with one eye on the past
160 Year 7 students get a Tae Kwon-Do lesson
30 Year Anniversary
Cubs join in to mix things up
Lockdown 3 - the last one?